SIMUMETRIX - Entertainment in Learning™

Our History
Multi-CME innovation award winner Simumetrix has developed content for over 3000 activities as a white label organization to the leading MECCs and Universities. SMX as a CME leader started in 2004 as an accredited provider (American Academy of Physician Education or AA-PE), in 2012 Simumetrix was formed as a service provider. As a provider AA-PE developed and executed more than 350 live events.

We create the most innovative CME and CE. Our approach to EDUtainment™ increases knowledge retention through mixed reality, dynamic conversations and augmented presence technology.

From concept to production
and distribution. What we do.
Increase retention and skill with EDUtainment™
Since 2004 we have deployed the practice of EDUtainment™ this approach combines the psychology of learning and entertainment increasing the engagement, learning and skill.
Controlled Cost
We deploy the most advanced technology our approach to grants is cost effectiveness. Where some charge more and the audience receives less. We build our our activities to extend the grant award.
Increased audience and outcomes
Our activities are known to have the highest level of engagement. Examples are 1,000 completes in one month, 5,000 completes in 60 days. Far more than most activities will get over a year. It is all about design. This is one of dozens examples of how our activities are more effective.
Every CME activity is carefully crafted for effectiveness.
We design each activity from the ground up, we consult internally to look at the most effective strategy for reach. Which includes, audience type, age, speciality or disease state. We analyze the learning objectives and build from the outcomes up, building the most engaging activity possible.
We are the first to deploy holography on stage in CME. Our Augmented Presence Technology (APT)™. Has been deployed since 2017 and over 12 live activities. Augmented Presence Technology can place a distanced faculty to single or multisite in a latentless conversation, animation or a combination of both in 3D.

This is how we engage learners.
Using talkshow, documentary, mixed reality, animation, holography, or a blended approach we deliver the most effective and recognizable CME. Many imitate what we do, however, our learning algorithm is different and is not easily replicated. These are jus to some of the most recognizable CME, CE and, patient education examples to date.